Terminology Table:   all entries          [ Graphical Views ]

AbbreviationTermPathUsed in
 GPi  internal division of globus pallidus Tel::GPirodent, carnivore, primate
 IP  interpeduncular nucleus MB::IProdent, carnivore, primate
 CBIN  interposed nucleus of cerebellum CB::CBINrodent, carnivore, primate
 ICA  interstitial nucleus of Cajal MB::ICArodent, carnivore, primate
 IPS  intraparietal sulcus Tel::Cx::IPScarnivore, primate
 ISC  islands of Calleja Tel::ISCrodent, carnivore, primate
 LH  lamina hyperstriatica avian
 LMD  lamina medullaris dorsalis avian
 LT  lamina terminalis primate
 LD  lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus Die::Th::LDrodent, carnivore, primate
 Hl  lateral habenular nucleus Die::Epi::Hlrodent, carnivore, primate
 HLA  lateral hypothalamic area Die::Hy::HLArodent, carnivore, primate
 LL  lateral lemniscus Pons::LLrodent, carnivore, primate
 ML  lateral mamillary nucleus Die::Hy::MLrodent, carnivore, primate
 ALA  lateral nucleus of amygdala Tel::Am::ALArodent, carnivore, primate
 CBL  lateral nucleus of cerebellum CB::CBLrodent, carnivore, primate
 Pll  lateral nucleus of pulvinar Die::Th::Pl::Pllrodent, carnivore, primate
 LOT  lateral olfactory tract Tel::LOTrodent, carnivore, primate
 LP  lateral posterior nucleus of thalamus Die::Th::LProdent, carnivore, primate
 LPO  lateral preoptic area Die::Hy::LPOrodent, carnivore, primate
 LR  lateral reticular nucleus rodent, carnivore, primate
 SLN  lateral septal nucleus Tel::Spt::SLNrodent, carnivore, primate
 LS  lateral sulcus Tel::Cx::LSprimate
 SOL  lateral superior olivary nucleus Pons::SOLrodent, carnivore, primate
 TU  lateral tuberal nucleus primate
 LV  lateral ventricle Tel::LVrodent, carnivore, primate
 VSL  lateral vestibular nucleus Me::VS::VSLrodent, carnivore, primate
 LM  lemniscus medialis avian
 LF  lenticular fascicularis primate
 L  limitans nucleus of thalamus Die::Th::Lrodent, carnivore, primate
 LPO  lobus parolfactorius avian
 LC  locus coeruleus Pons::LCrodent, carnivore, primate
 LUS  lunate sulcus Tel::Cx::LUSprimate
 HLmc  magnocellular nucleus of lateral hypothalamus primate
 MGmc  magnocellular nucleus of medial geniculate complex Die::Th::MG::MGmcrodent, carnivore, primate
   mamillary nuclei Die::Hy::MMrodent, carnivore, primate
 MP  mamillary peduncle primate
 MTT  mamillothalamic tract Die::MTTrodent, carnivore, primate
 IOM  medial accessory nucleus of inferior olivary complex Me::IOMrodent, carnivore, primate
 MG  medial geniculate complex Die::Th::MGrodent, carnivore, primate
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Records 161 to 200 of 435